March 30, 2010

Morocco - Marrakesh

Casablanca train station is a completely different world - preparing us for coming back to Europe.

The square is also the biggest entertainment centre - you can find everything here: story tellers, futute tellers, dancers, performance groups, local people meeting for games. Very magic.

But enjoyed very much all other food! Place Djema el Fna is the biggest square in Africa! At night it is probably also the biggest restaurant. Impossible to try all local specialities during one night.

I didn't have courage to eat snakes. Was quite challenging to watch others doing it.

And fresh dates. A real sweet heaven if you like them.

Fresh orange juice is a Marrakesh speciality.

A tv crew on the crowded market.

Its red walls are famous, also narrow streets.

Marrakesh turned out to be a very tourist-like place so at the first moment it disappointed me after all beautiful places we had seen. Had to wait till the night to appreciate its atmosphere.

Morocco - Sidi Ifni

Waiting for a bus with a local boy. Quite easy going guy, quite keen on weeds as far as he told us his favourite ways of entertainment.

Taxi stop in another city on our way to Marrakesh.

Entrance to a hamam - a steam bath.

Streets are quiet, mostly neglected, but didn't lose their charm.

Morrocan Cuba - this is how I called Sidi-Ifni. It was a Spanish colony till 1969. The Ocean is a vital part of its atmosphere. If you book a hotel at the ocean, you can admire great sunsets from your terrace.

Morocco - Anti-Atlas

Women dress black and hide faces here, but it doesn't stop them from ... hitch-hiking.

It is one of the most picturesque place. Full of beautiful views and interesting details.

Anti-Atlas turned out to be a completely different place. People of this mountines are reserved and shy or untrustful when they see strangers. It doesn't mean they were not nice - just didn't want to contact strangely dressed Europeans.

Morocco - Akka and western desert

The boy asked us to take a picture of him with the kitten. Very sweet.

Already in the town, on the market. No wonder the owner of this spices stall is so proud.

A sudden obstacle on the road.

Posing for photos with camels.

We were very sad to say good-bye to the girls and the village as they were very warm-hearted people. We will never forget them. On our way to Tata, by dilapidated car.

A very tasty breakfast next day. We slept with the whole family in one room on the floor.

Again for a walk.

The second step is to learn reading, writing and counting. The class full of women, age from 16 till 65!!! Women illiteracy is a serious problem in Morocco.

At the association building. We were shown beautiful artwork made by local women. This is how they learn to earn their living. First step for independence.

The young generation photo.

Young cousins, very curious of strangers, came immediatelly to spend this day with us.

This girl had something royal in her look. She was left by her husband with two children, one seriously ill and established ... The Assocaition of Women in her village!!!

We went to visit surroundings. The village was the most sleepy place I had ever seen. Surrounded by beautiful oases of course.

The family of one girl treated us as kings. They prepared special food, very tasty.

We dicided to continue our travel till the next town Tata as were said there were better oases there. But travelling means always surprises so we ended up in a village of 600 people, cut off from the world, invited by two very nice girls from the bus. They scarcely spoke French, so we had a real communication challenge.

After the whole night spent in a bus we arrived in the morning to the local town Akka.

Going to the western part of Morocco was quite tough thing, but we were very curious how this place, rarely visited by tourists, looks like.

Morocco - Aït Benhaddou

Today it is a very peaceful place.

... and on the village below.

A spectacular view on the Atlas mountains from the top of the ksar.

Interesting forms made by wind through centuries.

This cat probably doesn't realise that is sitting on the walls of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Climbing the ksar (fortified city) hill. Here a break with local people - as usual very keen on chats with strangers.

Aït Benhaddou ksar.

And simple constuctions.

Simple means of transport still serving well.

This glamourous past doesn't stop simple life of this today sleepy place. As everywhere women washing at a river.

Aït Benhaddou is a magic place. Here Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" was made. No wonder. With such an impressive setting, with a fortified city on a hill, overlooking the Atlas mountains, it's difficult to imagine a better place. Therefore many films were made here before, between them "Lawrence of Arabia", "The Last Temptation of Christ", "Kundun" and many others. Before it was a stop for caravans on a route between Marrakesh and Sahara.