March 30, 2010

Morocco - Aït Benhaddou

Today it is a very peaceful place.

... and on the village below.

A spectacular view on the Atlas mountains from the top of the ksar.

Interesting forms made by wind through centuries.

This cat probably doesn't realise that is sitting on the walls of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Climbing the ksar (fortified city) hill. Here a break with local people - as usual very keen on chats with strangers.

Aït Benhaddou ksar.

And simple constuctions.

Simple means of transport still serving well.

This glamourous past doesn't stop simple life of this today sleepy place. As everywhere women washing at a river.

Aït Benhaddou is a magic place. Here Ridley Scott's "Gladiator" was made. No wonder. With such an impressive setting, with a fortified city on a hill, overlooking the Atlas mountains, it's difficult to imagine a better place. Therefore many films were made here before, between them "Lawrence of Arabia", "The Last Temptation of Christ", "Kundun" and many others. Before it was a stop for caravans on a route between Marrakesh and Sahara.

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