March 20, 2010

Morocco - Erg Chebbi

Another charming girl met during a taxi stop.

Camels in the morning.

It was sad to say goodbye to this quiet, beautiful place (in December almost no tourists at all). "A taxi" was coming every day at about 6 am.

The sunset was so bewitching that we decided to stay on the top of the dune. Aware of a 2 hour walk back in a dark! Quite risky as all dunes looked the same and we were really scared not to get lost. On our way we met another nomad family which offered us a place in their tent. The men put his hand on his heart when inviting us. Still we went on to our place.

My friend Agnieszka.

When higher on a dune, one can see Atlas mountains from the distance. Also Algerian mountains. It was one of the most amazing views I have seen in my life - 360 grades around of a dessert and mountains.

Dunes are sometimes amazing. It took us about one hour to climb to the top of one.

the nomad family household from the distance.

Really charming. Where did she learn it?;)

This nomad familywe met during the trip. Obviously used to some travellers and tourists visits (look at toys for sale!). The mother and the older daughter already obliged to hide their faces when a photo is taken.

A trip to the highest dunes.

We arrived to a beatiful place with ... a lake!

Famous dunes of Erg Chebbi

We passed this man when in a taxi, that is a local dilapidated car, carrying us to the dessert.

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